Mountain Man Daddy
#eroticromance #bdsm #romance #daddydom #daddy #DDLG
Since retiring from his job as an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Mike Hunter has been living off grid in a cabin nestled in the mountains of New Brunswick, but his solitary existence is interrupted when he pulls a beautiful young woman from her vehicle after a crash she is lucky to have survived. Mike's conscience overrides his desire for privacy and he brings the injured woman back to his cabin to care for her.
“What are you doing?” His gruff voice made her drop the shorts to her feet and stand swiftly. Her face felt hot with embarrassment. He’d caught her going through his underwear drawer. Oh, God, his underwear drawer!
“Uh.” She looked to the drawer, her gaze landing on a pair of thick wool socks and she lunged for them.
“I—my feet were cold.” Her pulse quickened as his eyes narrowed, the heat of his gaze making more than her heart pound. Avery swallowed several times to rid herself of the dry patch in her throat. Yes, she liked this guy’s look, even when it was irritated, maybe especially so. There was a mix of excitement, heat, and fear that fizzed in her. He was a contradiction with his rugged, gruff exterior and his gentle nurturing, and it fascinated her.
“I was distracted by the funny boxers,” she said, looking down sheepishly at the socks, hoping he bought her lie. It wasn’t all a lie; she had gotten distracted by his shorts.
His hands went to his hips. The jeans he wore were old but hugged him well—too well to need the thick leather belt he wore. Tucked into them was a green thermal long-sleeved shirt that molded over each well-defined pec, ab, and bicep. He was a man in every single way.
“And what would you think if you caught me looking through your undergarments?” He walked toward her, and she stepped back automatically, her knees hitting the bed and knocking her to a sitting position. She chewed the inside of her cheek as he kept coming.
“I’d probably think you were a pervert.” She was intimidated by his size, so she looked to her feet.
“I think that sounds about right.” He bent forward and lifted Avery’s chin with one long, callused finger. “Are you a pervert?” Was that humor in his eyes? She swallowed audibly. She shook her head, and her stomach churned nervously.
“What’s your name, little girl?” His deep voice hummed through her, and her heart flipped. She only shook her head again. He sighed and sat down beside her on the bed.
“Lie down.” It was once again a stern demand rather than a request. His gaze searched hers, but this time it wasn’t as uncomfortable. His stern but concerned blue eyes penetrated hers, and a starburst of thrills shot through her. His plump lips framed by the reddish-blond beard were calling to her, and she wanted to place her hands on his weather-pinked cheeks and draw him closer.
He sighed again and pulled his toque off. His hair hung in dark blond waves to his shoulders. Longish hair had never, ever been sexy to her, but God, this man wore it well. He tucked it behind his ears. She wanted to reach out and touch it. It looked thick and smooth.
“Do you ever do as you’re told?” he asked, sounding more than a little exasperated. She shrugged and gave him a small, flat smile. Obedience and Avery had been synonymous at one time.
“I don’t have patience for people at the best of times, but little girls that drive off the road because they’re speeding and ignoring warning signs, and force me to rescue them not once, but twice—well, I have no patience for them at all. Now, lie down or I’ll introduce my hard hand to your bare bottom.” His forehead creases deepened.
“Okay, Yukon.”
“My name is Mike, Annie calls me Yukon. But while you’re here, you’ll call me Daddy.”